Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sorry, SodaStream and Scarlett for Your Loss of Coolness

Sorry, SodaStream and Scarlett for Your Loss of Coolness 

"Sorry, Coke and Pepsi"

Right-in-the-face ad from the new SodaStream's commercial for the Superbowl this year. The last line said by Scarlett Johansson is the coolest part of the ad! (maybe others were more tempted to click on the ad seeing the "(Uncensored)" in the title but anyways...)  

It is also good to see a celebrity who actually uses and cares about the product herself endorse the company. 

But I just came across with a news saying that the ad had been banned by Fox to be aired during the Superbowl... without explaining the reason. 

The line has been altered to "I just love helping people." Okay... helping people is good, I agree. I also LOVE helping people... but I'm just concerned how the ad will be received by the audience when it gets aired? 

Just having Scarlett Johansson in the ad might be appealing enough but seriously.. the ad is so much better with the original line. It is fun and playful. Well, at least we can still watch the original one on Youtube. 

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